Saturday, February 16, 2008


so why a blog? I have no idea. I guess as another way to waste time. As the top tells you I spend a lot of time with this subject. I previously did a podcast for nearly 2 years called Benjammin' that I stopped doing last December. Ever since it ended I have been wanting to express my thoughts in some forum but didn't know what to do it on. Well, that is bullshit actually. It was just a thought that came to me recently. If I had really been thinking about it for that long without thinking of a Blog then I would be crazy. expect a lot of BS in this blog.

so what to also expect? pretty much everything in the pop culture field that interests me. so yeah, no Grey's Anatomy posts. sorry Greyers! (do they even call themselves that or did I just invent a new term?). I have no idea how this will last honestly, but I hope to do it for a bit. I'll just post whatever. Whether it be a songs i'm currently liking post (with zshare links!), a review on whatever, a rant or me posting incoherent thoughts (expect a lot of that). so, hope you check this thing out every once in a while, if not more than that.

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